Three years ago, I decided it was time to walk away from my healthcare career and find something new. I was no longer being challenged and the long daily commute was wearing on my aging body. It was a hard time and I grieved. Six months later, I entered a new world - that of a patient with a serious and chronic illness. I grieved here, too.
Since then, ever the optimist, I've gone looking for my new normal "Plan C", after my short lived Plan B. My days of partial paralysis with my laptop to guide me as I researched, reflected, considered and leveraged my long healthcare experience have gotten me to where I am today. Oh, that and the ongoing treatment that was delayed by 7 1/2 months. Since 2005, my blog has helped me learn, process and share. Today, I do some processing to help me redirect my tiny ship.
At 17 years old, I decided to become a hospital administrator, so I could make sure patients got the best care possible. My second decision was that I better take another math class to better prepare me for college. I invested my career overcoming challenges, removing barriers and finding solutions... all while also navigating regulators and financial climates. My activities over the last year and a half have been focused on overcoming challenges, removing barriers and finding solutions ... all while sharing what I've learned with others ... primarily on my Facebook support groups. Those for me, and those for a parent for whom I care. It recently occurred to me I'm still making sure patients get the best care possible - both from professional and family caregivers, as well as, self-care.
While on my office sofa, I experimented with setting up eCommerce on my blog. I collected all of the tolls I was finding that could or would have helped me during my patient journey. It was a big way for me to exercise my mind; along with my body. The result is my little shop aimed at helping those with functional limitations, due to aging or chronic illness, continue living an active life in spite of the challenges they face. The digital immigrant in me has learned something new and I find satisfaction in the help I am able to offer others.
I've lost a few of my traditional audience, mostly the health information technology world. That is ok. I'm gaining the patient and their caregiver world.
I've never had ads on my blog, but from time to time did review relevant products. Some were things I received as samples to test. Others seemed to simply be good ideas. That continues today, although the outreach to me has grown significantly in the last year and relevant products are making their way into my post. I do test everything and am still figuring out what I will carry and what I won't. My guiding principle is I don't want the products to look like I got them from the hospital Central Supply or "it is something for old people". We are Baby Boomers for heaven's sake! We are are not old, we just need some tools to help us adjust to our new normal.
Today my blog posts address barriers, challenges, needed solutions and experiences of others and myself; along with a smattering of current issues and when I need to get back up on my soapbox about something in healthcare.
Please visit the shop and share a link to it and my blog with others. Will this be a hobby? Or a new business venture? I don't know. I'm open to your ideas, feedback, suggestions and recommendations. I'm scanning the environment. What tools do you need for functional limitations? What barriers, challenges and needed solutions do you see? Send me an email or leave a comment. And, thank you for reading!