Exploring and sharing knowledge on functional limitations, the healthcare delivery system, digital health, safety and the patient experience. The online shop includes innovative tools for living an active life in spite of functional challenges caused by injury or chronic illness.
For months I've been listening to books for leisure, but with this latest I'm back on to my professional interests. However, this one is also personal. If you are involved in hospital, sub acute or SNF leadership or active with...
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A few days ago, I tweeted yet another example of the ugly in healthcare social media. Once again, hospital employees accessed protected patient information and actually provided it to an ex-boyfriend. Result: the patient is now suing her ex-boyfriend and...
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The idea of a gun violence restraining order is being proposed in wake of the recent killings just off the UCSB campus and the warning signs that were fully recognized too late. The idea is that family and friends could...
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I wrote a post for the HIMSS blog and want to share it with my readers here, as well. Leave your thoughts on the HIMSS post or here! Social technologies are becoming common tools in the business of healthcare. They...
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