I'm at the San Diego mHealth Conference and thought I'd share some of my observations with readers. If you have any questions or other perspectives, please leave a comment.
- Spyglass Survey: 90% of physicians using smart phones
- Telecare & Telemedicine, Connected Health and Wireless Health - all connected
- Doctors aren't going to wait to get back to their office to look up information
- Over 80% of patients consult the Internet for a second opinion and increasing numbers are using their smart phone
- Movie: Catfish premiers Sept 17 and it is the first social networking thriller
- Effective healthy changes will come from customizing apps to the person, engaging their existing social network of friends and family, extending their social network to peers combined with captivating and addictive rewards and incentives.
- Intimate digital relationship: consumer must trust entity they are giving their information to.
- Need: Premium to maximize your health vs. fee-for-service system.
- discovery of mirror neurons: a neuron that fires both when an animal acts and when the animal observes the same action performed by another.
- Forrester Research: 95% of healthcare enterprises rely upon smart phones.
- mHealth - on the person
- Pricewaterhouse Coopers Survey: Healthcare Unwired: New Business Models
- Providers want (and need) evidence at the point of care - can we create an app for mobile devices that will address: access (search); tailor (if not found send when it exists); retrieve (download, highlight and annotate); archive (practice library with metadata, search and sort); share (output to video, email, export, EHR, send to professional network with annotation); write (use metadata to cite while you write to build reference list or pull data from EHR or article brought in by the patient to add)? Lets create an integrated solution!
- Safari is closest with access,tailor, share, write; but can't retrieve or archive.
- Want Ping (for music) functionality in this app
- Security in uncontrolled environments - we really need to follow where the data goes between the mobile device and its destination. There are a lot of people/organizations involved in the process, so hospitals and other providers need to ensure that risk assessments are completed.
- Patch that not only measures calories burned, but also the number consumed which then triggers education!(ooohhh!)
- Need regulatory predictability because mHealth is moving so rapidly.
- Smart phones may not be needed for some of the 20% of patients who consume 80% of the care/costs. Others, like boomers, may not want to look like a senior and want an app for their smart phone.
- Wireless networks do drop packets of data, so what safeguards are in place to ensure that data makes it to desired destination.
- Where does health and wellness leave off and the line to something that assists with diagnosis and treatment crossed (necessitating FDA approval). Need to draw a brighter line between the two. The mHealth Regulatory Coalition is forming to draft guidance and submit it to the FDA to facilitate this process.
- Outcomes, predictability and data relevancy is essential.
- Automotive industry is a good place to look to see what is coming in the future. One example is, people pay for OnStar to monitor the health of their car. Should our health system support an OnStar for monitoring our health?
- Mobile health keeps coming back to patient behaviors.
- The role of telehealth and social networking were mentioned often.
A lot of great things to think about as we look toward mobile health and remote monitoring.
Health care and its associated costs affect everybody at some point, but for doctors it's a fact of everyday life and electronic record keeping, from computerizing patient histories to transmitting prescriptions to pharmacies, and urged some reimbursement for these upgrades because they're initially so costly.Nice information.
Posted by: health & safety canada | February 21, 2011 at 10:54 PM