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April 06, 2010


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Jennifer McDuffee

Do you (or does anyone) happen to know whether hospitals or public health organizations are using social media differently than smaller medical practices? We’ve been trying to engage our clients (http://www.nuesoft.com/blog/healthcare-and-social-media-%e2%80%93-good-medicine-for-your-practice/) from small- to medium sized medical practices in a dialogue about social media, and have not gotten much in the way of feedback. Thanks in advance.

Jennifer McDuffee

Sorry. Please use this link: http://www.nuesoft.com/blog/healthcare-and-social-media-%e2%80%93-good-medicine-for-your-practice/

Christina Beach Thielst

One of the most important things to do when selecting social media is to make sure it fits the user, audience and targeted need. Physicians in small to medium practices will first have to identify their purpose and audience and they should start by talking with their patients.

Visit Dr. Greene's site at http://www.drgreene.com/. He is probably the best small practice I've seen, and know, using social media. He has also be doing this a long time so he and his wife have really built it over time.

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