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March 14, 2006


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Simone L. Pringle

Dear Christina,

I just ran into your article and I thought it was brilliant!

If we want consumers to become actively engaged in their health care, we need to provide them with the right tools - in particular those that naturally fit their lifestyles.

Your "wish" that you'd like to see clinical information portable - in particular on mp3 players and iPods, is coming perhaps sooner than you expected!

HealthFrame (our personal health record product - www.HealthFrame.com) supports CCR and our 2.1 release (due in early October) exports a patient's clinical information to their iPod, with the click of a menu item...

The use is simple - both transfering from HealthFrame, as well as using on the iPod. Our solution allows emergency personel, school nurses, specialists and other medical providers to navigate using the iPod interface to view a patient's medication list, emergency contacts, allergies, etc - all that's accessible from the CCR.

This is a very exciting development in truly empowering healthcare consumers!

Simone L. Pringle


Patients should be made very wary of the use of such remote storage devices in conjunction with public PC's.

for more information read about what this malware does to download and send back up files from connected devices.


In my opinion, healthcare workers should never be encouraged to connect such storage devices to their secure terminals.

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